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To Stop War

03.03.22 110 Source: THE HINDU
To Stop War

Fighting in Ukraine must stop: UN chief.

Enough is enough,” said UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, addressing the UN General Assembly (UNGA), hearing a resolution to condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine as he called for an immediate cessation of violence and withdrawal of Russia’s military from Ukrainian territory. “The fighting in Ukraine must stop,” Mr. Guterres said. “We are facing a tragedy for Ukraine, but also a major regional crisis with potentially disastrous implications for us all.” In a reference to President Vladimir Putin’s decision to place Russian nuclear weapons on a more elevated alert, and Belarus President Lukashenko’s decision to reverse his country’s non-nuclear status, Mr. Guterres said the “mere idea of a nuclear conflict is simply inconceivable,” adding that, “Nothing can justify the use of nuclear weapons.” Shortly after Mr. Guterres spoke, the representatives of Ukraine and Russia sparred at the session, presided over by President of the General Assembly and Maldivian Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid. Ukraine’s Ambassador to the UN Sergiy Kyslytsya called Russia’s actions and nuclear announcement “madness”, and warned that “if Ukraine does not survive, the UN will not survive”. Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia alleged that it was Ukraine and not Russia that had begun “these hostilities”, claiming that the Ukrainian government had planted the “roots of the crisis” and had not implemented the 2015 Minsk agreement.

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