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How the Prime Minister’s Security is Planned

08.01.22 108 Source: Indian Express
How the Prime Minister’s Security is Planned

A protest in Punjab left PM Narendra Modi's cavalcade stranded on a flyover on Wednesday. What goes into the security planning ahead of a PM’s visit? Which agencies are involved, and what happens if there is a change of plan?

How is PM’s security planned?

Planning of the PM’s security during any visit is an elaborate exercise that involves central agencies and state police forces. Broad guidelines are laid down in what is called the SPG’s Blue Book. Three days before any planned visit, the SPG (Special Protection Group), which is responsible for PM’s security, holds a mandatory Advance Security Liaison (ASL) with everyone involved in securing the event, including Intelligence Bureau officials in the concerned state, state police officials and the concerned district magistrate. Every minute detail is discussed. Once the meeting is over, an ASL report is prepared, based on which all security arrangements are made.

What is chalked out during the meeting?

Generally, a PM’s visit is supposed to be chalked out to the last detail and then the itinerary is expected to be stuck to. The meeting discusses how the PM would arrive (by air, road or rail) and, once he lands, how he would reach the venue of his programme (generally by helicopter or road). Inputs of central agencies and local intelligence are taken into consideration. The security of the venue — which involves aspects such as entry and exit, frisking of those coming to the venue, and placing of door frame metal detectors — is discussed. Even the structural stability of the dais is checked.

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