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Genetic Variants and Critical illnesses

15.03.22 130 Source: THE HINDU
Genetic Variants and Critical illnesses

The genetic variants causing severe COVID-19.

The GenOMICC project is a research study that brings together clinicians and scientists from around the world to find the genetic factors that lead to critical illnesses. To understand the genetic causes of severe COVID-19, the DNA of 7,491 critical patients was compared with 48,400 people who had not suffered from COVID-19, and that of a further 1,630 people who had only experienced mild symptoms. The study found key differences in 16 genes in ICU patients compared to the DNA of other groups. The new variants included some that had a role in blood clotting, immune response and the intensity of inflammation.

Jacob Koshy

The story so far: Scientists in the United Kingdom as part of a research project, GenOMICC (Genetics of Mortality in Critical Care), have identified 16 new genetic variants that make a person more susceptible to a severe COVID-19 infection.

What is the GenOMICC study?

The GenOMICC— reportedly the largest of its kind — is a research study that brings together clinicians and scientists from around the world to find the genetic factors that lead to critical illnesses. While millions suffer from infectious diseases every year, even though most cases are mild, some people become extremely unwell and need critical care. This may be because of their genes and the GenOMICC project is about identifying them. The scientists involved compare the DNA of critically-ill patients with members of the general population.

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