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Dissolution of Parliament

06.04.22 182 Source: The Hindu
Dissolution of Parliament

No-trust vote dismissed, Imran gets Pak. Parliament dissolved.

New turn: Supporters of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party raising slogans in favour of Prime Minister Imran Khan, outside the National Assembly in Islamabad on Sunday.APAnjum Naveed Pakistan’s beleaguered Prime Minister Imran Khan bowled a yorker at his rivals on Sunday by getting the presidential nod for the dissolution of Parliament, a move dubbed “unconstitutional” by the Opposition parties. The latter have approached the Supreme Court to challenge the move. In a suo motu hearing on the issue later on Sunday, the Supreme Court barred all state institutions from taking any “extra-constitutional” steps in the wake of the dismissal of the noconfidence vote in the National Assembly. A threejudge Bench led by Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Umar Ata Bandial heard the matter.

Court Hearing Today

Chief Justice Bandial observed that public order must be maintained and no state functionary shall take any “extra-constitutional” steps in the prevailing political situation, adding that all orders and actions initiated by the Prime Minister and the President regarding the dissolution of the National Assembly will be subject to the court’s order. The top court adjourned the hearing till Monday. Earlier, Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri dismissed the no-confidence motion moved by the Opposition against Prime Minister Khan, terming it against the Constitution and rules of Pakistan. Mr. Suri chaired the crucial session after Opposition parties filed a no-confidence motion against Speaker Asad Qaiser.

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